What you need to know about Test Bookings as a commercial vehicle owner in Ireland.
What you need to know about the commercial vehicle road test in Ireland.
What you need to know about the Certificate of Roadworthiness as a commercial vehicle owner in Ireland.
What you need to know about Operator and Driver Obligations as a commercial vehicle owner in Ireland.
Voluntary tests are available at all CVR testing centres. A voluntary test is a roadworthiness test, other than a CVR test, carried out on one or more test items. No Certificate of Roadworthiness (CRW) is issued as a result of a voluntary test, no levy is payable on these tests and they do not affect a vehicle’s test due date.
As well as CVR vehicles, a voluntary test can also be carried out on vehicles owned by the Gardai or Defence Forces.
Voluntary testing is encouraged and any voluntary tests carried out on your HCV vehicles at authorised test centres will have a favourable influence on your risk rating for roadworthiness.
Voluntary testing on LCVs are not included in your risk rating however voluntary testing of LCV’s is considered good practice and can be used to supplement an Operators LCV maintenance regime.
There are two different types of voluntary tests available at CVR testing centres.
A Partial Voluntary Test can be customized depending on what items you want tested on your vehicle. You can decide, with your CVR testing centre, to have just one item or area of your vehicle tested or you can request that all items are tested (a full CVR test). So for example if you just wanted to have your brakes tested then you would choose this type of voluntary test. If you wanted your vehicle to undergo a full CVR test, then you would choose this test and request your CVR testing centre to test all items.
A Voluntary Safety Test includes a pre-defined list of safety critical items to be tested. Its focus is on the basic operations of functional items.
While this list does not include all elements of your CVR annual test, it does include checks on brakes, steering, lights, suspension, tyres and axles. Examples of testing areas which are not included relate to vehicle identification, for example verification that the VIN on the vehicle matches relevant vehicle records, or items relating to plating and smoke tests. This means that a vehicle may pass a Voluntary Safety Test but could fail the Annual CVR test.
Our CVRT section contains further information on what the Annual CVR Test examines and preparing for your test.
Different voluntary test options may suit different operators depending on what maintenance regimes or types of facilities operators have in-house and either voluntary test can be used as a supplementary test in between your annual CVR test.
Voluntary testing may be particularly useful for those operators who do not have their own in-house testing equipment and facilities available. For example Operators without a pit or a brake tester may choose to avail of voluntary tests.
If you own or use a commercial vehicle, you are responsible for having a proper preventative maintenance regime in place as well as being responsible for the roadworthiness condition of the vehicle.
Voluntary testing in between annual statutory tests is considered good practice and helps to identify any defects that may need to be rectified. Ideally, you should schedule preventative maintenance at specific intervals so that you can identify a problem before it becomes a concern.
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